There is a variety of ways to get involved with Detroit Street Care and support our work. From financial support to advocacy and awareness, we depend on a strong network of individuals and partner organizations to help carry out our mission.




A financial contribution allows us at Detroit Street Care to ensure that we always are adequately supplied with the materials we need to properly care for the most medically-fragile population in the City. Click the link below and search “Detroit Street Care” in the search bar.

Visit the link below to view and purchase something on our Amazon Wish List!


Become a preceptor

Due to liability considerations, not everyone can volunteer with us. However, we are always in need of medical professionals to serve as preceptors for our student volunteers. If you are a physician or other health care provider interested in getting involved, please click below and fill out the form expressing your interest. We would love to discuss a potential role for you with us.


Spread the Word

We depend on community support to share our message and vision for a more equitable and inclusive Detroit. Many in the community have yet to hear about us, and we need your help to change that. Follow our story on Facebook and Instagram or sign up for our newsletter below to keep up with the most current happenings.