In 2014, we began heading out into the streets of Detroit to find people experiencing homelessness and provide them with basic necessities and no-cost medical care.

Our Mission

Our primary goal at Detroit Street Care is to meet the needs of individuals experiencing homelessness in the City of Detroit by seeking them out in an environment and manner in which they feel comfortable and in control. These needs most often include basic necessities such as food, water, and clothing, in addition to medical and healthcare services , which is provided by medical student volunteers working under the guidance of physician preceptors. We strive to provide our patients with the highest level of care possible while also providing an avenue for valuable clinical training for our student volunteers.

How we achieve it:

  • Detroit Street Care is powered by a workforce that is one hundred percent volunteer-based. The day to day operations are managed by an executive board of medical student leaders with guidance from faculty advisers and physician preceptors.

  • Out in the street, it is again the student volunteers that conduct the majority of the operation, with licensed physician preceptors by their side to ensure that proper care is being provided.

  • The students’ passion and determination to grow and learn combined with the preceptors’ knowledge and expertise creates a dynamic centered on proper patient care and a drive to always improve.